February 2020

We started off the New Year with a series on “Love is a Verb”. I can honestly say that it has challenged, convicted, and changed many of us in the church. The series was based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-8. One of the thoughts were, if we want to be like Christ we must first learn to love like Christ. Jesus said in John 15:12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. What a challenging statement. To love others the way that God loves us. The last week of the month I presented our vision for the New Year. We must refocus our attention, redeem the time, and recommit to reaching the lost. Pray for us as we strive to do so!

We praise the Lord for the break in the weather. We took full advantage of it and hit the streets. We were able to knock on this entire housing complex with many of them being military families. We were blessed to be able to share the gospel with 3 homes. Out of the 3 homes we shared the gospel with, one did not believe in God at all, one listened very attentively and was very grateful and even expressed thanks for us dropping by. One door we knocked on was answered by 3 young men. One of which kind of smirked the whole time as the other 2 listened very respectfully. The 2 out of the 3 young men said “thank you” and “God bless” as we walked away. Many times we tend to focus on the negative expressions when we should be focusing on the positive experience that just took place. We will not win them all, but we will win some. Some is better than none, and one is worth it all. The road less traveled is hard, but eternity is too long not to try and reach our world with the life changing gospel message.

The last Sunday evening in January we had our 2nd annual Chili Cook Off. We had a fellowship hall full, with 2 visitors, one being a first timer since I have been in Clovis. We had 5 chilies presented for judging and everyone received one vote. Brother Dan Holt was our reigning champion from the year before and presented our new winner with the passing of the honorary wooden spoon award. All in all we had a great time of food and fellowship. I love the sweet fellowship we have here in Clovis. Please continue to pray that we continue to grow closer to the Lord and to one another. I love what God is building!

The boys taking turns teaching on basic doctrines during Sunday school. Bailey on the left is teaching on how that the great commission is 3 fold. Preach, baptize, and teach according to Matthew 28:19-20. Danny on the right is teaching on the 5 propers of scriptural baptism. We are called to make disciples, and the best people to start is with our children. Teach them so they may be able to teach others. I would also like to thank everyone for your prayers for my wife Mandy. I believe it is because of the prayers of God’s people that she has been made well. Her vision is not quite right and she still has dizzy spells, but is much better. Please keep praying for her and the mission work here as we strive to be used of God for HIS honor and glory!

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